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Fishing Stories, Sayings and Jokes
Fish Sayings:
Fishing rule #1: Fishing will do a lot for a man but it won't make him truthful.
Remember, there are two kinds of fishermen, those that fish for sport and those that catch something.
A ship-load of fish gets spoiled, because of 1 spoiled fish.
"One can think of life after the fish is in the canoe." - Hawaian saying
"Before one feels elated and makes plans, he should first secure his "fish." - Hawaian saying
If the hat's missing...I've gone fishing
Born to Fish Forced to Work
Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way
He who keep'em lure in water catch-em fish
A reel expert can tackle anything!
Fish stories told here- some true!
Fish tremble when they hear my name!
It takes a man who is a thinker. To catch the big one, hook, line and sinker!
"The trouble with fishing is it was better before you got there, and after you left.
Women want me, fish fear me!
"The fish stinks from the head." - Hebrew saying
"Big fish swim at the bottom." - Old Chinese saying
"I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian" - Unknown
Never fish in troubled waters.
Many fly fisherman think bait fishing is for the mentally challenged.
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